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Svenska Wadokai - Samurai Dojo - Göteborgs Taichi Chuan Klubb

Klick: 517, webbplatsen lades till: Apr 9, 2014
Svenska Wadokai - Samurai Dojo - Göteborgs Taichi Chuan Klubb
Svenska Wadokai - Samurai Dojo - Göteborgs Taichi Chuan Klubb
LÄNK : wadokai.se
Land: Sverige
nyckelord 1: karate
nyckelord 2: samurai dojo
nyckelord 3: wadokai
Karateklubb Samurai-dojo (KSD) has the basic ideology to contribute to the society with a meaningful and healthy activity for everybody. It would be the greatest pleasure of KSD if those who train Karate at KSD will feel better in some way either/both