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R O L F I N G ® Structural Integration, Paula Jorgensen Korning Advanced Rolfer

Klick: 169, webbplatsen lades till: Jan 22, 2015
R O L F I N G ® Structural Integration, Paula Jorgensen Korning Advanced Rolfer
R O L F I N G ® Structural Integration, Paula Jorgensen Korning Advanced Rolfer
LÄNK : rolfing.se
Land: Sverige
nyckelord 1: stress
nyckelord 2: pain
nyckelord 3: relief
nyckelord 4: structural integration
nyckelord 6: fascia
nyckelord 7: connective tissue
nyckelord 8: posture
nyckelord 9: balance
nyckelord 10: body therapy
Information in English and Swedish about Rolfing aka Structural Integration and the certified practitioner, Advanced Rolfer, Paula Jorgensen. ROLFING is a system of hands-on work on the muscles and the connective tissues which flow through and aroun